The Ceremony

Example of how both Civil and Islamic marriage ceremony will be conducted

Before the actual ceremony I make sure all the formalities and the paperwork are prepared and signed. (see Formalities)

1:  I start with an Opening sermon (khutbat ul-Hajah).

2:  The Marriage sermon.  It contains words from the Quran/Sunnah, and also words  of wisdom about the rights and responsibilities of  both husband and wife in Islam.

3:  Ijab and Qabul (offering and acceptance). The Wali (male paternal relative of the bride, usually her father, brother or her uncle or in the case of reverts to Islam, then the Marriage celebrant ie myself can act as her Wali).

The Wali pronounces the Ijab statement and the groom responds by making the Qabul statement. There should be at least two Muslim male witnesses over the age of 18, present to witness the pronouncement of the Ijab and Qabul (offering and acceptance).

If you would like to include witnesses that are non-Muslim, male or female, this is acceptable for the Civil marriage part only.

4:  The groom will hand in the Dowry to his bride. The Dowry can be a ring, some jewellery, money or anything  that both parties agree with.

5:  Then we will go to the Civil part of the ceremony, where both the bride and groom exchange vows by repeating after the marriage celebrant.

6:  Dua (Supplication) for the bride and groom.

7:  Sign the marriage certificates.

8:  Present the couple with the marriage certificates.

If you decide to choose an Islamic only marriage ceremony we will do all of the above except the Civil part of the ceremony, likewise if you decide to do a Civil marriage only We will do all the above except the Islamic part of the ceremony.

With regards to an Islamic only marriage ceremony a birth certificate, passport or Driver’s licence is acceptable for Identification.