This means I conduct an Islamic only marriage ceremony which entitles you to an Islamic only marriage contract. This marriage ceremony is not registered with the Australian Government.
This service is for those couples who may already be married Islamically and want their marriage to be registered with the Australian Government.
This service means that I conduct a marriage that meets the legal requirements of the Australian Government as well as the requirements for a valid Islamic contract. This type of service entitles you to both a civil marriage certificate and an Islamic Marriage certificate.
Salam Alaiykum
(Peace be Unto You)
All Praise is due to Allah and may the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammed.

The day of your marriage ceremony should be the happiest and most memorable day of your life. As one of Sydney’s most experienced and professional Muslim marriage celebrant, I would love to assist you in making this happen in sha Allah.
My marriage ceremonies are very special occasions due to their attention to detail, warmth and inclusiveness.
Whether your ceremony is large, or small, formal or informal, I am committed to making your ceremony most memorable and stress free.
My service can be tailored to your needs without compromising any legal or Islamic requirements in making your marriage valid.
I offer a choice of ceremonies to suit your needs. Either an Islamic ceremony only (Nikkah), both Islamic and Civil or just a Civil ceremony. (see Services)
I have a office in Punchbowl, where the marriage ceremony can be held, or I can come to your home or at a reception hall.
The marriage ceremonies can be conducted in both fluent English and Arabic.
Although Sydney based I have travelled around the State and even inter-State to perform marriage ceremonies.
My fees are fairly reasonable and I do offer student discounts.
I hope you enjoy browsing through my website and in sha Allah I get to hear from you for an obligation free chat or meeting.
Other Services

If you are wanting to bring your partner to Australia on an Immigration Prospective Spouse Visa I can help you. The Immigration Department advises you to obtain a letter stating you have lodged your Notice of Intended Marriage and will be getting married. I can supply you with this letter. It is very simple

I do offer Marriage Counselling and Arbitration if needed and how to apply for Islamic and Australian divorce.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful,
And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.
Surat Al Roum – Verse 21